Thursday, October 2, 2008

Over the counter acne spot treatment

« ...Your diet plays a significant role in keeping your skin clear and healthy. Drinking enough water hydrates and moistens the skin and improves circulation. Carbonated beverages (pop, soda, etc.) are acidic and upset the natural balance of your skin as well as flooding your body with acid and upsetting your natural pH balance. Because of the acid in soda, the facial skin will produce more oil to compensate for the loss of moisture. ...
...Wash the face gently. If you do want to use a washcloth, be sure to use a clean wash cloth. Do not forget to rinse the face well, following the use of a medicated soap. Then do not try to rub the face dry. That irritates the skin. Pat the face dry. If the skin becomes too dry, it will not be ready to soak in any added medication. After you complete a proper wash, then you are ready to put your chosen acne treatment onto your face. If you are using an oral antibiotic, then you should still proceed in the proper manner....»

«...Adult acne disappoints us by rearing it's ugly head long after we thought we were done with that phase of our lives. Often, it can leave physical scars and cause emotional scarring as well as we struggle to find ways to treat our outbreaks and prevent more. As adults, we have professional lives and social lives to conduct. Adult acne can add a degree of difficulty if it begins to affect our self-confidence. There are treatments, and the good news is that just like when we were teens, it will eventually go away. In the meantime, visit your dermatologist, or try one of the many highly recommended products on the market today to treat your adult acne....»
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tags: best acne wash, the over-all best acne treatment, what can you eat if have acne

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