Monday, August 4, 2008

Rosacea and does bio-oil really work for acne scarring

Along with diet you can add some herbal supplements to treat the problem both internally and externally. Get some natural acne cleansing soap and cleanse after you steam your face. Drink more water and eat more fruit and fresh vegetables.
The pulse-dyed laser treatment is typically done on an outpatient basis, without general anesthesia. Local anesthesia is used in the form of a topical cream, intralesional injections, or nerve blocks. Then non-overlapping, adjacent laser pulses are placed over the scars. The typical reaction to this is purple or red skin after treatment and the treatment is then re-evaluated six to eight week later to determine if more treatment is needed.
Although some cases of acne eventually disappear by themselves, even the most aggressive treatments will take 6-8 weeks to show any results. Even after this amount of time you may not see any improvement as acne treatment is often a case of trial and error for dermatologists and their patients. Everyone is different and finding the perfect combination of approaches may take some time.
tags: how can i remove acne off my face, all about acne, how to quickly get rid of a bad acne pimple

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