Monday, August 4, 2008

Fragrance free acne cleansers and neutrogena acne peel

Clearasil Facewash - This product is a mystery to me, I used it once for a whole month - it worked. Used it another month - it never worked. That's just in my experience, yours may differ. 2 out of 5 from me.
Now most acne companies loudly proclaim that diet has nothing to do with acne. But from my experiences, this was not true...
Treatments in order to get rid of acne in the past have relied strongly on harsh soaps and scrubbing the skin thoroughly in the mistaken assumption that acne is caused by dirt and germs on the surface of the skin. As the understanding of the nature of acne is increased, less emphasis is being placed on the harsh remedies of the past and more effort will be given to more effective measures. This is not to say that a good skin cleansing and similar efforts are unhelpful. Strengthening the defenses against bacteriological agents is helped by cleanliness, no matter what the underlying condition is.
tags: proactive acne treatment free trial, jojoba oil for acne, does showers help get off acne

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